Press Release Summary = The concept of 'Viral marketing' stems from the thought of any sort of communication that spreads from one to the other like a virus. In the same way as a virus, 'viral marketing' is contagious and the idea is that it passes on and keeps multiplying.
Press Release Body = Viral Marketing??? This term has been coming up way too often in conversations among many a marketer and client since of late. I thought I would investigate further to find out the real meaning behind this term.
Word-of-mouth would have been the first form of viral marketing existent. It is amazing how you can pass on positive or negative messages through word-of-mouth and just how quickly it spreads.
In modern day terms we see e-mails or mobile text messages that keep being forwarded on. These messages are passed on because they compel the reader to pass them on. In other words, the message is interesting enough to get the reader to press the send button and pass it on to his network.
Marketers are seen to be exploiting the power of viral marketing in this day and age. We see many subtly disguised marketing messages being forwarded on because of their entertaining nature. Most of those who forward these messages are unaware that they are doing free advertising for a brand or product. They like the commercial or the joke, so why not forward it on to friends and colleagues? is one such powerful viral marketing tool available on the web for businesses to virally market their products and services. ekwa has a range of features which enable interesting marketing messages to be passed on virally.
The next time you want to pass on that 'cool' beer ad, know that you are a carrier for another marketing message that will soon spread over the internet.